Open call for artists

ISLA is a space for creation and research at the intersection of contemporary art, ecology and sustainability.

We understand the need of many of the artists working in this field to find spaces where they can work outdoors.

This call, the first we do from ISLA, offers the possibility to develop projects in our space.

The projects presented must explore a theme related to sustainability and/or ecology through our own territory, in Robledo de Chavela, ISLA.

There is no limit in the selection of disciplines proposed, those that involve any type of environmental damage to the territory or any of its occupants (human or non-human) will be excluded, always taking into account that we are in a ZEPA (Special Protection Area for Birds).

Any artist can apply to the call, alone or as part of a collective. All participants must be included in the presentation document.

All projects will be reviewed by the ISLA team. In the event that the proposals require scientific or professional expertise from outside the contemporary art world, we will have the assistance of an accredited professional.

There is no limit to the number of projects to be approved.

There is no funding for the specific production of the projects. We are committed to provide the space for the development of the proposals, to hold a presentation event in the same place, to conduct guided tours and to disseminate it in our networks.


Submission of applications

Deadline for submission: CONTINUOUS

Response time from submission: 1 MONTH

Format: You must submit the form that can be found here aquí 


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