Laura Carro

Deputy director of the Lucía Mendoza gallery. Her defense of sustainability, as well as her conviction that contemporary art must play a fundamental role in society, permeate her daily action at the gallery fully committed to the objectives set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

She knew very early on that she wanted to develop her career in the cultural sector. And although it would be logical to think that this decision was based on some type of artistic or creative drive, the reality is that it was born from the passion that she feels as a consumer of cultural activities and products. Trained as a Cultural Manager by the International University of Catalonia and after having worked in public institutions in Galicia, she arrived in Madrid with the prestigious auction house Christie's, which helped her broaden her perspective of the national artistic and cultural industry, making her decide to focus her career on art galleries, convinced of the dynamic role that they should play in the sector. She defends good practices in the visual arts from the Vice Presidency of the Madrid Delegation of the Institute of Contemporary Art (IAC), an association that he represents in the Sectorial Table of Contemporary Art of Madrid (MSACM) and is a member of the Founding Committee of the GCC Spain (Gallery Coalition for Climate Spain).